First Step !

Let's be part of the same team

Innovation must be planned and structured! That's why we have a team of forward-thinking professionals with one goal in mind : to take your company to the next level. Your ideas and visions will be developed and put into production by a passionate team looking to optimize your project technologies with innovative solutions. Rest assured, our insatiable curiosity and our ambition drive us to succed, nothing less! 

How we can help 

  • Acting as a technological innovation catalyst for companies allows us to propel innovation and progress within every company we work with.
  • Enabling our clients to accelerate the process and successfully deploy their vision/aspiration by using innovation to increase their business value, sy supporting them with training, or by coaching them throughout the entire technological innovation development stages in a manner that respects their level of understanding and their specific needs.
    • Introduction to innovation processes
    • Innovation project analysis
    • Company innovation project analysis
    • Innovation project implementation
    • Innovation project deployment
  • Providing access to high-level interdisciplinary professionals specializing in the following technological fields : 

We're Geeks, and we know it! 

In a world of distributed knowledge, companies can create more value and better leverage their research and development by integrating knowledge from external sources and vice versa. Innovating and pushing the boundaries of inventiveness requires a rather increasingly complex understanding and an interdisciplinary approach that touches on various disciplines, fields of study, and sciences. This interdisciplinary mindset is at the heart of the Open Innovation Model. 


To apply this model we've adapted the structure of our company and built an interdisciplinary team that adapts quickly and easily nitegrates the diverse contexts and realities experienced by our clients. In addition to our experienced team, we have an extensive network of experts in leading scientific fields. This winning recipe allows us to cover a wide and varied of expertise. 

  • Mapping current and future needs
  • Research and selection of technologies
  • Support and project management
  • Financing
  • Diagnosis / Audit in digital shift
  • Implementation
  • Training
  • Financing
  • Support in the search and selection of a management software package
    • CRM / ERP / MRP
  • Integration and training
  • Financing

Introduction to the technological innovation process

  • Introduction to best practices and thinking in innovation

Analysis of a technological innovation project

  • Defining an innovation strategy
  • Generating ideas
  • Understanding your market
  • Understanding the competition
  • Testing the market with your ideas
  • Plan the customized financing of innovation projects

Implementing innovation within the company

  • Acquire and maintain an innovation culture
  • Have an organizational structure and a mode of exchange and communication that promotes innovation
  • Guide the resources that are at the heart of innovation projects

The execution of a technological innovation project

  • Informed definition of the specifications
  • Managing technological uncertainty
  • Managing innovation budgets
  • Strategic planning of technology development
  • Management of standards and certifications
  • Management of intellectual property

Deployment of the technological innovation project

  • Pre-commercialization
  • Technological showcase, finding the best customer
  • Pre-production and supply management in the context of a new product or process
  • Analysis of the performance of the innovation project